The vital part of the hydraulic systems is, no doubt, the hydraulic winches. With the evolved technology came the increased consumption. The increased consumption brought new requirements in many sectors, such as transportation, logistics, construction. After the international trade volume expanded, new vehicles had been made, new high-rise buildings were made, wowing at how pyramids were built, now hydraulic winches make these so easy.

The evolved technology developed new requirements in many sectors, such as transportation, construction and logistics. After the international trade volume expanded, new vehicles had been made, new high-rise buildings were made, wowing at how pyramids were built, now hydraulic winches make these so easy.


Hydraulic Winch


Well then, have you ever thought about how tons of load are lifted with a finger move?

In fact, you don’t need to go as far as pyramids being built. Only a century ago, human or animal power was a must in carrying, lifting and towing works, which are easily being made in today’s times. Now, a vehicle weighing tons can be towed with a simple finger move, concrete blocks can be lifted meters high, big containers can be carried onto the ships. Behind the curtain, there is a hero that we barely know about: Hydraulic winches.


Types of Winches

  • Hydraulic winch
  • Electric winch


Hydraulic Winches

When the word “winch” comes up, you think about giant tools that are built roof-mounted and with special lifting and towing purposes. But this is a fairly wrong use of words. The word “vinç” came to Turkish from the English word “winch”. The word “winch” does not define the whole tool but the power source. The English word “winch” is a better translation for the Turkish word “vinç”.

Hydraulic winches are machines that turn hydraulic power into hauling & lifting power with the help of PTO (Power Take-Off). PTO is also known as the “baby gearbox”. PTO, which can be found nearly in all professional commercial vehicles, can also be installed on the vehicle afterward. PTO, generally, is used as a method to share a motor’s power with another mechanism, sharing its power. 

Hydraulic winches, for them being durable, having low-cost for maintenance and has a higher capacity for towing, are preferred by professionals in this sector.

There are lots of domestic and foreign hydraulic winch producing firms. The easy access to auxiliary equipment, technical department and price range, you can find domestic products. In our country, it is profitable in the long run to prefer a worldwide brand like Hammer Winch that exports all around the world.


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